Happy New Year + Winter Clearance Sale
Hi hi.
Another strange year in the rear view mirror. The word "normal" is meaningless now. We don't even remember what that was. But in spite of the endless challenges and disruptions we made it through another spin of the calendar. Our strength, perseverance and resiliency is heroic! And certainly something to celebrate as we look for signs that this year might, just maybe . . . possibly? even a teeny tiny bit? be better than the last couple. Looks kind of iffy at the moment, I know. But hope springs eternal.
This year I'm skipping resolutions. I'll hold a couple of intentions or wishes close to my heart. And I'm going to teach myself a few new skills. Less fear and worry, more play and curiosity. What are you looking forward to this year?
Winter Clearance Sale on now
In my own tiny attempt to bring some normal back, I'm going to have my annual January winter sale. All the Winter Holiday scented soaps will be on sale this month, clearing out the studio to make room for Spring.
Last year I held off until February so I could make extra batches with fragrance samples and leftover scents to have one super huge, extra big sale. That was actually a pretty good idea too. So I'm still going to do that in February also. TWO SALES, people!!
If you absolutely loved one of the holiday soaps, or just need more of something you got for a holiday gift, click the LINK to start shopping right this very minute. There's not a lot of stock left, but enough to make a bunch of you happy campers.
And then mark your calendar for February 1st. That's the day I'll be announcing the Spring menu and I'll have a lot more soaps on sale - one of a kind scents, fun new experiments, some interesting new things to try.
May this new year ahead be vibrantly healthy and abundant in every possible way. We are creating our future with every thought, decision and action we take. We're all in this ship together. Be kind to each other.
Heidi Risse
“May you grow still enough to hear the small noises earth makes in preparing for the long sleep of winter, so that you yourself may grow calm and grounded deep within.
May you grow still enough to hear the trickling of water seeping into the ground, so that your soul may be softened and healed, and guided in its flow.
May you grow still enough to hear the splintering of starlight in the winter sky and the roar at earth’s fiery core.
May you grow still enough to hear the stir of a single snowflake in the air, so that your inner silence may turn into hushed expectation.”