Peak Summer
Hello clean, good-smelling people! How are you holding up?
August is here and we're in a new phase of "what the (blank) is going on?" I have to admit, the emotional ride has been hard at times. The future is uncertain and filled with anxiety, while the present moment seems fragile and confusing. Navigating the changes, the disruption to daily life and the separation can be overwhelming in random moments and little things. But when this all sorts out, I'm optimistic that we will find ways to fix all the things that seem so upside down right now.
These are not easy times and we're all doing the best we can to take care of ourselves and our families. Please hold patience and kindness close because we're all going to crack at times, say or do things we don't mean, get caught up in a story that takes us in the wrong direction. It's inevitable - we're only human.
Breathe deep. Get more rest. Find stillness. Look at the stars in the sky - August has more shooting stars than any other month. It's an infinite, unknowable universe, we are teeny tiny specks, and this year is a blink in the timeline of history. Everything evolves and we are getting the opportunity to re-look at literally every facet of society, government, institutions and daily life so we can adapt with greater intention. Let's choose wisely for all of us.
August is peak heat wave in most parts, although here in CA we've had more than usual in June and July. Maybe it's just a coincidence that the weather is so hot while the world is on fire? Keeping cool is just one cold shower away. Or a bucket of ice cubes in your tub. Taking a pretty, good-smelling soap with you is just the cherry on top.
We're winding up the summer seasonal scents and have a few of them left in stock. Did you try them yet? They probably won't last long so nab one quick. This year's summery soap scents are crisp, cool and refreshing - perfect for beating the heat during the dog days of summer: Beach House, Green Detox, Lavender Petitgrain, Neroli Mint, and Sea Salt.
Can you believe it? This year that seems to be dragging on forever is going to head into fall soon. The usual events, calendar dates and turning points might be all over the map, depending on where you live, but Mother Nature will not be messing around. She's going to send gorgeous fall colors, nippy evenings, and rain showers so that there is no mistaking the fact that seasons change, life goes on, and everything comes full circle.
I'm so excited to share my new fall soap scents with you, but they are under wraps for a few more weeks. Check your inbox (or Facebook or Instagram) at the beginning of September for my Autumn Newsletter.
Be well, keep safe, and stay strong.
P.S. Is this our new "night out" with social distancing? How do you go to the bathroom?
“Did you know that a bee dies after he stings you? And that there’s a star called Aldebaran? And that around the tenth of August, any year, you can look up in the sky at night and see dozens and dozens of shooting stars?”
― Elizabeth Enright, Then There Were Five”